Top 5 Misconceptions of Divers – #DiveLife

by Brianne Grant:

We all have those friends or family members that do not understand our passion for diving (they’re clearly not certified). For some of us diving has transformed from a hobby into a lifestyle, for others, it remains a tropical delight or an epic adventure to check off their bucket list. But for those who don’t dive, they really don’t understand our amazing underwater experiences.


What my friends think I do: Hunt for undiscovered shipwrecks and buried treasure chests filled with gold
What I actually do: Watch Titanic on repeat and other movies about finding gold #divelife


What my mom thinks I do: Wrangle sharks
What I actually do: Internalize minor panic attacks and think through every worst-case scenario I watched on Shark Week #divelife


What society thinks I do: Somersault off diving boards into a shallow pool (Olympic Diving)
What I actually do: Gracefully stride off a boat and sink below the water’s surface #divelife


What my instructor thinks I do: Only dive on tropical vacations once a year
What I actually do: Wake up at 6 am to make every weekend charter my local shop offers #divelife


What I think I do: Stealthily convince my friends to become certified divers
What I actually do: Talk endlessly for hours about how awesome EVERY single one of my dives is #divelife

Photos by: Thaddius Bedford, Aldo, Ferrucci,,

Photos by: Thaddius Bedford, Aldo, Ferrucci,,

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