SDI™ Welcomes New Group of Instructor Trainers

Completing Florida ITW

MBT Divers in Pensacola, FL hosted an SDI™ Instructor Trainer Workshop (ITW) from September 22-27, 2011. Four very capable and determined individuals participated in the program, as shown in the accompanying picture: Fritz Sharar and Cathy Haley from MBT, Tom Duran from Scuba Club and Curtis Shoff from Bermuda Triangle Divers rounded out the foursome.

All of the candidates worked hard to prepare for the intense program and it definitely showed in their positive results. Long days lasting late into the evening seemed to be the norm each day, and everyone successfully completed the program.

The Instructor Trainer Rating is International Training’s highest teaching level. The program focuses on development of evaluation techniques in the classroom, confined water, and open water. Presentation ability and skill demonstrations of instructor trainer quality are also assessed throughout the program.

Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may teach instructor level courses for all approved SDI, TDI, and ERDI levels they are qualified for, including conducting the Instructor Evaluation Course (IEC) portion of the SDI™ Open Water SCUBA Diver Instructor Course. The course is intensive and challenging but very rewarding.

International Training adopts a friendly, informal approach to the ITW and encourages a relaxed atmosphere throughout the program but also expects that all candidates will work hard to meet the challenges of the agency’s highest level of leadership training.

Anyone wishing to receive further information about the future ITW programs should contact the HQ Training Department via or call 207.729.4201 for more details.

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