Go back to where it all started –by revisiting your original training site
Think back to when you joined the ranks of divers. That amount of time can widely vary, from last weekend to decades, yes decades ago. However long it’s been, you should never let your dive experience mar every opportunity you can to dive.
Involved in training for many years, I have always gotten a kick out of inviting a new diver along on a dive trip. The discussion would usually go something like: “Doing any diving this weekend?” the newbie diver would ask. “Yes, I’m completing open water training for some new divers. You should join us.” Often, the response I’d receive always brought a smile to my face; sometimes I could not contain the chuckle when I would hear. “No, I did my training dives there. I’ve already seen it”. If I was inviting them to a 6 by 6 pit of 33’ of mud I had dug out to “complete training” I would have understood, but I was inviting them to THE FLORIDA KEYS! My response would usually be “Already seen it? All of it? How did you manage to do that?”
As an industry professional, I reflect back on these encounters and realize now I was the one to blame. I must have not presented the diving opportunity properly. Training Dives? Why in the world did I refer to them as training dives? These were people I was going diving with, not walruses or seals! I guess I had fallen in to the trap of referring to them as I had always heard them called: training dives.
If your Instructor made the same mistake, I suggest you go back and revisit the site where you were originally certified. If it’s been a while since you have been in the water, tag along or shadow a group that may frequent the site. But, this time you will see the site through a new set of eyes: diver’s eyes. You won’t be ignoring your surroundings while waiting for your instructor to give you a command to exhibit your proficiency on a given skill you’ll be there to purely enjoy the dive. Be it a lake, river, or ocean, the site where you first started diving deserves a second visit and another closer look.
Chances are, by the time you exit the water you will smile as you think back at the original dives done at this site. Your apprehension and concerns are natural for any diver entering any unknown. After all, isn’t that part of the adrenaline rush for so many divers? And as you fondly reflect on your first course, you will probably have a desire to explore new ones. Maybe a Solo Diver course that hones your skill set like no other or an Intro to Tech. You will find info on these and much more at https://www.tdisdi.dev or locate your closest local facility. You can also peruse our local courses.
I’m reminded of a Divemaster at a popular diving resort that in briefing his guests would state… “If I interrupt your dive more than you like just give me this signal and I’ll know to back off and give you your space.” The signal required the use of one finger, and it wasn’t a thumb indicating to go upwards. You get the idea!
Most important of all, stay diving, stay wet and please stay safe!
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