SDI TDI ERDI Instructor Trainer Materials Update
This update is mandatory for all Instructor Trainers and IT Staff Instructors to remain active next year. See below for more details.
How to Sign up for Pre-Recorded IT Material Update Webinar
- Download our Signup form: Click Here >
- Fax, Email or Phone in your completed form with payment
- Email:
- Phone: 1.207.729.4201 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
- Toll Free Fax: 877.436.7096
- Once payment is received, we will email you your password for the webinar and exam
- Once you receive your password, enter it here to get started >
- Upon completion of the webinar and exam, send your exam to
- That’s it, your done!
Details about the IT Material Update
Cost: $295 usd
Attendance: Mandatory for all Instructor Trainers and IT Staff Instructors to remain active next year. See below for more details.
Language: English Only, Other languages to follow
Why is this IT Update Important?
Like any update, ITI strives to keep our members as informed as possible with: changes to standards, new materials or updated materials. This update, for the IT materials, is unique because we have taken the past year to completely revamp all the IT materials to provide better tools for developing dive professionals. The new materials are a culmination of years of conducting ITW’s and gathering the feedback from all IT’s and IT Staff Instructors on what has worked best in the field.
Why is this IT Material Update Mandatory?
As stated in the “Why is this Update Important” section – these materials are nothing like the ones you have used for years or what you were trained with during your ITW or IT Staff Instructor program. The IT manual went from 90 pages to 600 plus. The structure was changed from one manual that tried to cover all three training types (SDI, TDI, ERDI) to a designated section for each instructor program. The evaluation slates have been updated to create a better flow for in-water evaluation and to accommodate for up to eight instructor candidates. These materials are also now fully in line with all the instructor materials. With all these changes, an in-depth explanation on how to use the materials is warranted.
Why am I being Charged for the IT Material Update?
Since the first ITW we ran in 1998 we have stuck with the belief that the IT’s and now IT Staff Instructors were at the top of the list for our most loyal supports which is why we have never charged for: IT upgrades, IT updates and for IT’s attending ITW’s for refreshers. We have also always believed that the IT’s and IT Staff Instructor’s ensure the long term success of the company. This is different now, a lot of time and effort has gone into developing a set of materials that we believe will carry us for years to come and you will not have to buy additional materials to develop diving professionals in the foreseeable future. We believe that once you see these new materials you will immediately realize the value.
When is the next IT Material Update?
Our plans for the IT material Update, is to conduct them at every trade and consumer show we attend (a list of these shows can be found in the events section at and to have 6 live webinar in 2013. We also have plans to record the webinars so they can be watched anytime that fits into your schedule and we are in the process of having them conducted in multiple languages. Keep watching our professional newsletters that come out once a month for future dates as well as additional languages.
Purpose for the update
Update IT’s and IT Staff of the completely revamped IT materials that include: expanded 600+ page IT manual, revised evaluation slates, IT Resource CD, IT PowerPoint’s®, access to online IT materials. All participants will get a step-by-step update on the flow and application of the new materials and will maintain active IT and IT Staff Instructor status.
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