ERDI™ To Exhibit at FDIC April 16th -21st

FDICWhere Leaders Come to Train, Indiana Convention Center

“All of us at ERDI™ are extremely happy to once again be participating in the FDIC program this year!”
stated Board of Directors Representative Nestor Palmero.

Palmero, a Training Officer for many years, brings with him hands-on experience and knowledge that can only be gained from being in the field.

FDIC-2Please visit ERDI™ at the Indiana Convention Center booth number 402 to learn how ERDI™ can help you and your Team develop a Team and training that is right for you and your local conditions.

To learn more about FDIC please visit

To learn more about ERDI™ including the eLearning programs that meet awareness training requirements

To make an appointment to discuss how to get involved with ERDI™ please write today.

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