James Weber: SDI Instructor Trainer Ambassador
Hi, I’m James Weber. I’m honored to be a part of the SDI Instructor Ambassador Program. I’m from West Palm Beach, Florida where I own Police Fire Dive Instruction. I’ve been diving since 1977.
What was the first dive you did and how did it influence you to start a career in the diving industry?
My first dive was in 1977 with my father, to the best of my memory it was most likely in Rhode Island. Back then things were VERY different. It started me down a very long path to where I am today. Sharing the love for the ocean has always been a passion and I always desired to share that passion.
What do you believe is the most important trait of a professional educator and why?
Being an instructor doesn’t mean you have to the best in everything, it’s about bringing out the best in others. It’s a quality that I instill in all my instructor candidates, because if you bring your best game to the table, the class is fun and memorable and above all educational.
What is your favorite SDI class to teach and why?
My favorite class to teach as actually NOT and SDI class, it’s really any ERDI class. Its quite fulfilling to see the team you just gave the knowledge, skills, and abilities to come together like a well-oiled machine and complete the mission at hand.
What is a bucket list dive you still have?
I’ve been very fortunate to be able to dive some incredible places, my only remaining bucket list dive is Bikini Atoll. I should cross that one off within 2 years of writing this.
What is one bit of advice you would give to a perspective Instructor candidate about to embark on becoming an SDI Instructor?
I tell all my candidates that your integrity, values, reputation pretty much everything is like your virginity, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.