Denise Byrne: SDI Instructor Trainer Ambassador
Bitten by the water bug from beach visits as a kid, I learned to dive in college as part of my undergraduate degree in Marine Biology. Once scuba certified, I spent as much time as I could underwater, not an easy task to do in Ireland! TDI Cave Training is what bought me to, and kept me in sunny Florida. My Divemaster and subsequent Instructor training gave me an insight into how much I loved working with new divers, and showing people the underwater world. Co-running a scuba diving business out of Orlando is a lifestyle choice that keeps me busy and always in the water.
What was the first dive you did and how did it influence you to start a career in the diving industry?
My first dive was off the west coast of Ireland, a “typical” cold temperate kelp dive. I was fascinated by the color, variety and amount of marine life, the experience was complete when a small shark swam by, I knew I was born to scuba dive!
What do you believe is the most important trait of a professional educator and why?
Enthusiasm. A great professional educator is enthusiastic about their job and classes, and encourages students to share the same passion as they do.
What is your favorite SDI class to teach and why?
My favorite SDI Class to teach is Advanced Adventure Diver,I love helping people decide what kind of dives they enjoy best. I especially enjoy teaching photography skills, giving students the opportunity to show others the beautiful the underwater world.
What is a bucket list dive you still have?
The Galapagos
What is one bit of advice you would give to a perspective Instructor candidate about to embark on becoming an SDI Instructor?
Be, and teach your divers to be eco-consciousness!
Being able to teach and work in beautiful underwater environments as we do, is a luxury, we should all do our part to leave them better than we found them. I think being a successful scuba instructor is taking care of your “office”.