FREE Webinar — New VIP Program and How You Can Benefit
Thank you for attending our live VIP Webinar Q&A with VIP author Don Kinney and VP of Training Sean Harrison. If you missed it, you can watch the recorded version below. We would like to continue the questions and answers, so please ask away in the comments section at the bottom of this page and we will be sure to answer them.
International Training has completely reworked and updated its cylinder Visual Inspection Program (VIP). Because of this major update many issues have developed, and questions are being asked. International Training is sponsoring a webinar to update facilities and IT’s on this new program, its implementation, and to answer any questions.The webinar will be hosted by Senior Vice President Sean Harrison and the program developer, Don Kinney. Items to be covered include:
- The changes in the new program
- The marketing strategy during the initial implementation
- The reasoning behind the required instructor fee
- The plans for future IT Training on this new program
- The plan to handle the 3 year refresh for the Instructors
The goal of the webinar will be to answer these questions and any other questions you may have. Please be sure an ask your questions below and we will do our best to answer them in a timely manner.