Have you ever thought about trying a rebreather but you don’t know if you’re ready to take a full certification program? Are you considering purchasing a rebreather but you aren’t sure of which unit to buy?

The TDI Rebreather Discovery Program is designed to give prospective students an introduction to diving a TDI approved rebreather in a controlled environment under the direct supervision of an active TDI Rebreather Instructor

During the TDI Rebreather Discovery Program you learn the basics of diving a rebreather ranging from practical mechanics of a rebreather, review over basic gas physiology, introduce PO2 monitoring procedures, how to get off the rebreather underwater by “bailing out,” and more!

Experience the first hand silence of diving a rebreather in the TDI Rebreather Discovery Program.

Student Prerequisites

  1. Minimum age 18
  2. Provide proof of 10 logged open water dives to participate in the pool / confined water session of the
  3. program
  4. Provide proof of 25 logged open water dives to participate in the open water session of the program
  5. TDI Nitrox Diver or equivalent

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