Teaching Your First Class

Congrats on joining the ranks as an SDI instructor. Whether you’re a recent crossover or a brand new instructor, getting your first class put together can be a bit intimidating. Here are four tips on getting started with your first SDI class.


Research. The first step with any SDI class is to log on to tdisdi.com and check the standards. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve conducted a course. The standards are the skeleton structure for every SDI program. You’ll see minimum dive numbers, the diver and instructor level materials that you’ll need to purchase and all the subjects the courses should address.


Tailor. With the standards in hand, set up the class schedule, talking points and in water sessions, customized to your predicted client base and the course requirements. Don’t forget that SDI standards are minimums. Customize the offerings with more topics, skills and dives to add value and standout as an educator.


Market. After you have your schedule settled, market the course. Blast newsletters, sponsored Facebook posts, automated texts … however you reach your potential clients. Getting the word out on an SDI course is how you engage with your client base and set a precedent for educational classes. While not every class should be taught to maximum ratios, there’s nothing wrong with a waiting list of students.


Teach. With proper preparedness, execute the course and add value. Teach it with more enthusiasm, accuracy and passion than your previous class and drive home the student’s new skill sets and how to apply them. Make sure to take surface photos, update your fans on social media and provide that passion for diving that takes it from a regular old class, to the experience of a lifetime.

So, there are four steps to teaching your first SDI class. Feel free to comment below or pop into our website chat with any questions.

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