TDI Rebreather Cave Course Coming Soon

For the last two and a half years, TDI has been working with its Training Advisory Panel (TAP) to develop a cave program just for rebreathers. Until now, instructors have been allowed to teach the standard TDI cave programs using rebreathers as an equipment configuration.

This has allowed instructors to teach the cave course while using the equipment the student is likely to use in that environment after becoming certified. While this was effective, we knew it could be better, and decided to completely rewrite the cave standards specifically for training on a rebreather.

Initially, 3 levels will be covered: Rebreather Cavern, Rebreather Basic Cave, and Rebreather Full Cave. Keep your eyes peeled for the release of the student level standards, followed shortly by the instructor standards.

Get the details of this course in the 3rd quarter training update

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