ISO/EUF Renewed Certificate

by Sean Harrison

In 2012 during beautiful weather and breathtaking scenery, SDI and TDI underwent the practical audit phase to become ISO/EUF certified. With lots of preparation and some minor adjustments, SDI and TDI received the maximum global certification length of five years! There were a lot of people that supported this effort, including the SDI IT’s and SDI Instructor candidates that participated and our regional office that organized everything and we thank them. Five years came and went, hard to believe, and it was time to renew.

We began the preparation in late 2016 and this time the practical audit of the renewal was to take place at World HQ in Florida and during one of our Instructor Trainer Workshops (ITW). The materials were prepped and the ITW scheduled.

In April 2017 over two and a half days, our systems were reviewed, standards questioned, IT candidates interviewed, and HQ Staff interviewed, and now we wait for the results.

May 2017 comes along and we get the news…we did it again! SDI TDI received the full five year global certificate and we added a few more courses: SDI Supervised Diver, TDI Gas Blender, TDI Advanced Gas Blender. Again we owe a big thank you to all who participated, especially the IT’s  that went that extra mile and tolerated the course interruptions. We tried to keep those to a minimum.  We would also like to thank our auditor for making the time in his busy schedule and for all the assistance the staff at Austrian Standards for answering our questions and getting back so quickly.

SDI and TDI, enjoying another five years of global recognition Nr. EUF CB 2006002

EUF CB 2006002 SDI 2017 05 23

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