Facebook Series: What’s the Facebook Pixel
By: Brittany Bozik
Have you heard about the Facebook Pixel?
Yes? GREAT! No? Don’t worry we’re here to help and explain to you exactly why it’s important to your success on Facebook.
The facebook pixel is a short piece of code that facebook provides you that you put into your website. It serves 3 primary functions.
- The pixel allows you to track conversion from Facebook ads
- Ensures your ads are being shown to the right people
- Allows you to build targeted audiences to remarket in the future
The pixel works just like a website cookie, it tracks users as they interact with your website and facebook ads. You’ve all shopped online for something, only to notice that something now follows you around the web.
This is helpful because you can now more accurately track what people are doing and seeing on your website or how many of your Facebook fans are actually paying attention to your content. From the Pixel results you can create and build targeted audiences, measure the success of your ads and remarket to customers who have taken actions on your site.
Okay great, what does this have to do with me?
When we market our content on Facebook we want as many people as possible to see and engage with it, right? Well, kind of. The real objective in businesses are to make money and in order to do that we need to make people feel comfortable with our brands. How do we do that is with content marketing, we post blogs on topics our customers are interested in. So how exactly should we go about knowing we’re advertising our content to the right people? Well, firstly it will be much easier to get our existing fans, followers, customers to our website rather than trying to get someone who’s never hear of you to your site. While in most businesses you’d want a larger quantity of customers we’re in a unique situation where our existing customers often continue their education and collect more certifications.
Walk me through it…
With the Facebook Pixel you can:
- Measure cross-device conversions: See how your customers are moving between devices before they convert (do the task you want them to).
- Optimize delivery to people likely to take action: the pixel will ensure your ads are being seen by people most likely to take the action you want them to take, like purchase or fill out a form.
- Automatically build audiences for website visitors to retarget: Create Custom Audiences for people who take specific actions on your website, like visited a product page, added to cart, purchased a product, filled out a form, or even watched a video.
- Create Lookalike Audiences. Find more people who are similar to your best customers.
- Run dynamic product ads. Create relevant and timely ads on Facebook based on the products people have visited on your website.
- Access Audience Insights. Get rich insights about the people who visit your website.
- Remarket: This means you can show ads to people who have done a specific thing on your website or more simply people who have visited your website.
Okay you’ve convinced me, how to I set it up?
Go to the Business Manager by clicking the triangle in the top right corner. Next You’ll select your Business Manager profile from the list. Once you get to the business manager you’ll see in the top left corner 3 lines (circled in red). Click this and it will bring up a menu of all the things business manager has to offer. In the second to last column, 3rd on the list you’ll find “Pixels”
Once you arrive at this page you won’t see much but you’re looking for the button on the left side that says “set up Pixel” (circled in red).
From there you’ll see this… You’ll choose “Copy and Paste the Code”
You will then see the screen below…
Now comes the cool part, you can create Pixels based on events! You can click through the different options and Facebook will tell you a little more about what each type of Pixel does.
Once you’ve decided on the Pixel(s) you want on your site and have copied them into the header of the page(s) you want them on it’s time to check to make sure everything is working properly.
Once you get this screen below you know you’re rockin and rollin and tracking of course.
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