Instructors! An exciting opportunity to participate in scuba research!
Dear SDI Instructor,
A few years ago, Geoff Sutton, an SDI Instructor Trainer, approached me about helping him with a scuba diving research project for his Doctoral dissertation with George Fox University. Happy to help, I’m writing to tell you about this exciting opportunity to participate in the research that will only take a few minutes of your time.
This important research will not only help the diving industry but has the potential to impact areas far beyond scuba diving.
We at SDI support Geoff’s efforts, and I encourage you to take this short survey today. You can read more about it and find the link to the survey in Geoff’s invitation below.
Safe Diving!
Brian Carney
President, Scuba Diving International
Dear Fellow SDI Instructor,
My name is Geoff Sutton. I am a doctoral candidate at George Fox University, and an SDI instructor trainer. I am investigating leadership behavior in recreational scuba instructors for my dissertation research, and I ask that you take a few minutes to help me by answering a brief survey about your own leadership style.
This research is designed for instructors, so I ask that you complete the survey only if you:
- Are an instructor
- Have 10 to 15 minutes available to complete it, and
- Are able to read English.
To go to the survey, click on the link below.
It is only through the investment of a short amount of time by yourself and other dedicated SDI professionals that I will be able to complete this important research. Thank you in advance for your willingness to help out.
As a small gesture of appreciation for your time, once you complete the survey you will be given a link to a page of US Navy diving references, including the 2018 edition of the US Navy Diving Manual, all of which are free to download.
This research is important not just to myself, but also to SDI and to others. I am investigating leadership in dangerous circumstances, specifically related to recreational scuba diving. It is quite possible that the results of this research could be used to improve the quality of diver leader training as well as leadership training in other organizations which operate in dangerous environments such as the military or firefighting.
The survey consists of 15 questions relating to your background, training, and experience, and 16 questions relating to your own leadership style. The questions are primarily multiple choice, and you should easily be able to complete them in 10 to 15 minutes.
The opportunity to take the survey is limited, so I ask that you respond as quickly as you can.
I appreciate your willingness to spare a few moments to help with this important research.
I wish you the best in both your personal and professional diving endeavors.
Geoff Sutton
Doctoral Candidate
George Fox University
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