August 2014 – Important Insurance Update

Last night we received a fax from Willis Insurance noting they will be discontinuing the Recreational Scuba Diving Insurance Program. This is unfortunate news, as we had a long standing relationship with Peter Meyer and Barb Beauchemin for the last 20 years – as many of you have as well.

It is also unfortunate but not unexpected that PADI’s field reps have used this as an opportunity to call retailers and state that they are no longer insured if they purchased insurance from Willis; or they heard rumors claiming Willis is “dropping” SDI TDI. Nothing could be further from the truth and frankly, this is a simple scare tactic to promote one brand over another.

Here are the facts of your insurance if you have it with Willis:

  1. If you purchased your insurance with Willis prior to August 20th, 2014 – you are covered for the 12 month term of your policy as required by law.
  2. This fax is a form letter required by law to inform buyers that their program will no longer be offered after the policy’s expiration date.
  3. Peter Meyer and Barb Beauchemin were forcibly retired in early July because of internal conflict within Willis.
  4. Willis believed they did not need Peter and Barb to run the Recreational Scuba Diving Insurance program, thereby making the mistake of believing you don’t need diving expertise to run a dive insurance program.

For those of you looking to purchase insurance currently, we recommend you look to the other companies at this time. SDI/TDI/ERDI will have our recommended options in place by 1 January 2015. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this decision by Willis may cause you, but we will find options and support our membership with a superior insurance program as we have for 20 years now.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out directly to Sean Harrison or myself as we are intimately knowledgeable with the intricacies of the insurance program. SDI, TDI and ERDI remain committed to personalized service to our members and will be devoting our energies to exactly that.

Brian Carney –

Click here to view the fax from Willis Insurance.

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