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ERD Instructor Course


Educate your dive team at ERDI World Headquarters*

ERDI professional Card

ERD Instructor Course

ERDI World Headquarters
1321 SE Decker Ave,
Stuart, FL 34994

The ERD Instructor course is the next step in the ERDI professional realm; it prepares and teaches candidates to conduct ERD tender, ERD I, ERD II, and ERD Supervisor courses under the guidance of an ERD Instructor Trainer.

Who this course is for:

  • Any Department team member/personal who provides training for team members at the diving and non-diving levels.

What can you expect to learn:

  • How to teach public safety diving
  • Risk-Benefit analysis
  • Assembling and training an operational dive team
  • Anatomy of a public safety diving accident

What’s in it for you:

  • A comprehensive understanding of teaching public safety diving in a standardized manner from an internationally recognized organization.

ERD Instructor minimum requirements:

  • Watermanship Skills including 800, 500 and 100 metre swims
  • Demonstrate: tender skills, search patterns in blacked out conditions, lift bag skills,
  • Delivery of academic, confined water, and open water presentations at instructor level quality

Equipment Needed:



Brief Description

1 Mask A dive mask creates an air space between your eyes and the surrounding water. It allows your eyes to focus while underwater. It also has a nose pocket which allows the diver to equalize the airspace in the mask by exhaling into it.
1 Pair of fins Fins help propel your body through the water. They make swimming far more efficient by increasing the surface area of the feet.
1 Primary regulator The air in a scuba cylinder is compressed at a high pressure. The function of a regulator is to deliver air to the diver at ambient pressure.
1 Secondary regulator The backup second stage is called the alternate air source, or octopus. The octopus should be brightly colored and attached by a clip in the upper region of the torso so that it’s easy to locate in an emergency.
1 Submersible pressure gauge The instrument that measures air pressure from a scuba cylinder is called the submersible pressure gauge, or SPG.
1 Depth gauge The Instrument that measures depth.
1 Underwater compass A submersible compass is a navigational aid that a diver uses to determine his or her direction in relation to magnetic north.
1 Underwater timing device Instrument used to measure the dive duration.
2 Knife or cutting device A dive knife can be a useful tool to cut, pry and even dig. It is most often needed to cut away fishing line or kelp that may entangle a diver or his gear underwater.
1 Exposure suit adequate for training conditions Wearing an exposure suit, be it a wet suit, skin or dry suit, decreases heat loss underwater. Exposure suits also help prevent abrasions and accidental brushes with marine life.
1 Weight system Lead weights are worn as ballast to counteract the positive buoyancy of the exposure suit and the diver’s natural buoyancy. There are two different types of weight systems that can be used by the diver: a weight belt and a weight-integrated BCD.
1 Surface signaling devices; 1 audible and 1 visual A bright yellow or red inflatable device such as a narrow tube or lift bag are good signaling devices.
1 Logbook To write the dive sequence of events and description down for review.
1 USCG approved personal floatation device (PFD) Life jacket or positive buoyancy support at the surface.
1 Gloves: latex and work Gloves used for hand protection
1 Dive Tables Dive Tables are used to adequately plan a dive within no decompression limits.
1 Buoyancy Compensating Device Buoyancy compensator device (BCD) , a technical harness or similar BCD capable of emergency response diving tether requirements. The BCD must have adequate lift, 18 kilograms/40 pounds minimum recommended If the student’s BCD is not adequate for tether rigging but is otherwise acceptable, the student may use their BCD with an ERDI approved tether harness
1 Compressed Gas Cylinder A scuba cylinder is a high-pressure tank that contains compressed air for breathing.

Instructor Course Schedule

DAY 1 ERDI Instructor Course Overview and Standards of Training
DAY 2 Basic Mechanics of a Public Safety Team
DAY 3 Public Safety Watermanship Skills – practical
DAY 4 Supervising and Training the Team
DAY 5 In-water Training Skills – practical
DAY 6 PSD Diving Accidents and Regulations

Instructor Course Packages


$2,249per person


Course Materials

Lunch, Snacks, Drinks


$2,024*per person. min 3 from same team


Course Materials

Lunch, Snacks, Drinks

Get in Touch

Contact ERDI to reserve your spot

*Why a team of three: The optimum team structure is four, but this is not always feasible or possible. ERDI standards require a minimum team structure of three. With a team of three you can have: one diver, back-up diver (diver at 90) and a Tender/supervisor.What makes a team of three for this special: A team of three consists of three members of the same department or team. Divers from different municipalities, departments or teams cannot form a team for the purposes of this special pricing.
* Courses provided by ITI Technical Training