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Karen Pietrantonio

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About Karen

Karen has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is working toward her Masters Degree in Counseling. Her area of focus is trauma and PTSD; she recently earned a certificate in Prolonged Exposure therapy for the treatment of PTSD. Karen is passionate about veterans and first responders, particularly their behavioral and mental health, and is currently taking a course in this field.

She serves in the nursery and on the music team in her local church, and is a clinical-team intern at the Veterans Treatment Court in the North Carolina county where she lives with her husband Tony, their daughter, 2 dogs, and a hedgehog. In her spare time, Karen enjoys traveling with Tony, cooking, crafting, and spending time with their grandchildren, teaching them about the world around us and encouraging them to explore through crafting with natural elements, and “science magic” when they get the chance. She is also planning to achieve her open-water certification within the year.

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