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Harry Averill

About Harry

Few dive professionals have a background as diverse and extensive as Harry’s. Among his accomplishments, Harry has:

  • Operated dive retail and resort operations in the eastern Caribbean, Florida, the Midwest, California and Hawaii.
  • Worked at the international headquarters of NAUI, PADI and SDI/TDI/ERDI
  • Created diver training materials for NAUI, PADI, SSI, NOAA, NSS-CDS, NASE, NOAA and, of course, SDI, TDI and ERDI.
  • Served on the Boards of Directors of both NSS-CDS and NACD.
  • Trained over 1,000 dive instructors and an even greater number of divers.
  • Captained or crewed diver charters for over 10,000 divers.
  • Logged over 8,000 dives — more than half of them in underwater caverns and caves.

For the past several years, Harry has worked primarily in video production, putting to work skills developed under the tutelage of master videographer Wes Skiles. He currently serves as a consultant to International Training, holding several SDI/TDI Instructor ratings including Full Cave Instructor Evaluator. He most recently co-authored the SDI/TDI Sidemount Diver manual with Pete Nawrocky.

You can find Harry on the web at or at

Explore Articles by Harry

Improve Compass Course Accuracy

Navigating underwater is a learned skill, no doubt about it. However, what happens when you’ve practiced and practiced and you’re using your compass and you still come up short? How can you improve your compass accuracy?
Dicembre 3, 2019/da iwerkdev

Write for the SDI TDI ERDI PFI Blog

Surely this isn't the first blog post you've ever read or even seen from us and you might have wondered in the past how and where we get our articles. Now we're spilling the beans and accepting new authors for our blogs and newsletters.
Giugno 28, 2018/da iwerkdev

The One Situation PS Diver Training Does Not Prepare You For

Given the extensive nature of public safety diver training and the specialized equipment public safety diving teams generally have at their disposal, it’s easy to understand why ERDI-trained divers might feel that, “We are the only ones prepared to do body recoveries — any body recovery. And, if not us, then who?” Unfortunately, that’s a belief that can easily get you killed.
Gennaio 16, 2017/da iwerkdev

Natural Color for Your Underwater Videos

There are a wide assortment of accessories and techniques that can help any aspiring underwater videographer achieve more pleasing, natural color.
Settembre 30, 2015/da iwerkdev

Is CCR Diving Right for You?

Fortunately, there is a way you can discover whether CCR diving may be for you without ever having to make that investment. It’s called the TDI Rebreather Discovery experience.
Settembre 9, 2015/da iwerkdev

Buying Your First Scuba Tank

So…you’re ready to buy your first scuba tank. That’s great.
But, before you do, there are some questions you’ll want to answer to make sure you are spending your hard-earned money as wisely as possible. These include:
Settembre 2, 2015/da iwerkdev

4 Qualities Successful Diving Educators Share

So what qualities set the most successful diving educators apart from others? Here are four key ones.
Agosto 4, 2015/da iwerkdev

The Art of Buoyancy – Controlling Your Ascent and Descent

In a way, diving can be compared to flying an airplane; the…
Settembre 9, 2013/da dpace

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