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ERDI Non-Diving Specialty Instructor

ERDI Non-Diving Specialty Instructor

The ERDI Non-Diving Specialty Instructor course is designed to teach non-diving members of a public safety dive team, the knowledge to safely function as an independent instructor of the non-diving specialties listed below:

  1. Visual Inspection Procedures
  2. ERDI Tender
  3. Other non-diving specialties, i.e. unique specialties, offered by ERDI (subject to headquarters approval)

In order to become an instructor for one of the above courses; a candidate must be certified by a qualified Instructor Trainer; experience based upgrades are not available. Instructors who hold equivalent certifications with another recognized agency who wish to cross over as a non-diving specialty instructor may do so by applying via current instructor crossover procedures.

Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may teach the appropriate ERDI Non-Diving Specialty.

The candidate may be certified to teach multiple specialties at once, provided all corresponding prerequisites and graduation requirements are met and the instructor trainer conducting the course is qualified.

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