Ed Moggio comes back to the family of International Training along with Instructor Trainer Chris Mullins to represent SDI-TDI-ERDI in the Caribbean.  Their roles will be to manage the current accounts while sharing the benefits of doing business with our organization with dealers that are looking for an alternative, better costs, better customer service as well as an organization that works for them.

Both Ed and Chris come with a lot of experience in sales as both have worked representing manufactures as well as training organizations.

chris-mullinsTechnical diving has been Chris’ passion for the past twelve years as he shifted his business from telecommunications into becoming a dive professional back in 2002.  As a homegrown SDI instructor from Virginia’s The Dive Shop in Fairfax, Chris has had roles as a dive store owner, a sales rep, and an instructor trainer.

As a former dive shop owner, he has had the chance to learn first-hand the business side of the industry – what works and what doesn’t.  This is the type of knowledge and experience SDI-TDI-ERDI members can expect to receive as we assist with some of their daily struggles and obstacles; a challenge Chris is looking forward to.

Chris has dived some of the most beautiful places in the world as well as many of the most undesirable murky, ice-cold holes in the ground and to this day, Truk Lagoon remains his favorite destination.  When not diving, Chris spends time playing with guns and remote control vehicles or fiddling with the mechanical side of dive gear – rebreathers in particular.

ed-moggioEd began his professional diving career circa 1979 as the Owner, Operations Manager and head Sanitation Engineer of Choo-Choo Dive Center in Chattanooga, Tn.   During the next ten years grew and expanded the business thru the training of new divers, implementing an extensive dive travel program and successful retail sales growth each year.

In 1992 Ed began working with Aquatic Sales, Inc. as a Sales Representative for various scuba products in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic areas of the U.S.  During the next 23 years Aquatic Sales expanded to include not only scuba products per se but also travel destinations in the Eastern Caribbean and Bahamas as well as a major training agency, SDI-TDI-ERDI.

In 2015, Ed started working with Chris Mullins in the Southeastern US specifically for AUP and the representation and development of the Oceanic and Hollis product lines.   

We are excited to have them onboard and are looking forward to having them represent International Training in the Caribbean.  Please feel free to reach out to them chris.mullins@tdisdi.com and ed.moggio@tdisdi.com

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