Considering the Whats, Wheres, and Whys of Technical Training

When an instructor starts asking questions about these three things before signing you up for that next course don’t assume it’s because they’re questioning your integrity. They’re asking you these things to make sure you are TRULY ready.

You signed up for your first freediving course! Now what?

So, you signed up for a freediving course and now you might be wondering how you can prepare ahead of time. There are a few things you should know before showing up to your first day in the pool. Learn more about what you should prepare for your first freediving course.

Understanding the Visual Inspection Process

Do you know how the visual inspection process works? If you are a diver who owns scuba tanks, you should. We’re breaking down the process and what to watch out for during your next visual inspection.

Swimming Towards My Dream

Do you know someone who thinks they might want to try scuba diving but thinks they might be scared? The great thing about taking an SDI course is that it can be personally tailored to you and your needs. This is a story about just that, an Instructor slowing down to meet a diver at their level, a new diver’s sense of accomplishment and an introduction to the diving world.

Trip Report: Xatt L-Ahmar, Gozo

Do you love wreck diving? Are you looking for your next adventure? Maybe you want to travel somewhere new with your dive buddies but you’re all at different levels of diving… No problem! Xatt L-Ahmar has wreck diving for all diving experience levels!