Technical Wreck Diving in Northeast Brazil

Is wreck diving in Brazil on your bucket list? Get ready to add it because of these wrecks. These six wrecks are a must see if you ever happen to find yourself in northeast Brazil. Diving is a crazy sport known to take folks to all ends of the world, so you never know!

Tajne Zaovinskog jezera

U zapadnoj Srbiji, u okviru Nacionalnog parka Tara, kod mesta Zaovine nalazi se jedno od najlepših jezera u Srbiji – Zaovinsko jezero. Po svom nastanku je veštačko jezero, nastalo je u periodu od 1975. do 1983. pregrađivanjem toka reke Beli Rzav i izgradnjom brane u zaseoku Đurići kod sela Zaovine.


Join Traci for the final jaunt of her certification series as she embarks on the in-water portion of her course. She recounts the pool session and overcoming her fear of trusting the equipment as well as her certification dives at a local lake. While throughout this portion of her certification experience is again not easy for her to conquer she does it!

The Art of Slowing Down

Maybe it’s excitement, maybe it’s a lack of experience, maybe it’s nervousness. You likely started this sport to relax or see the underwater world, but you won’t be able to benefit from either if you don’t take the time to slow down. Slow down, relax and enjoy your surroundings.

Intro to Tech is not just for Tech Divers

Have you thought about taking the Intro to Tech course, only to talk yourself out of it because you don’t want to be a tech diver? We hear this a lot. The fact is, Intro to Tech is NOT just for tech divers! Read on for Instructor Stephen Phillips view and the experience of one of his recent students.