ITI Releases Guide

Here’s a quick video to help guide your students through the liability releases they sign to participate in courses. use this YouTube link in emails to students, show during the first session of class, or just use it as a reminder to you before a course. We’re trying to make the least interesting part of teaching scuba (paperwork) a little easier for our favorite people: our instructor.

Wait, what’s a Course Director?

We’ve made plenty of changes to help YOU succeed in 2018. One of these changes has gotten some great attention. the name change from IT Staff Instructor to Course Director. This name change is to highlight the abilities of our ITs and CDs who continue to raise the bar for instructor level training. The change is already live in our system so log in to check the updated text on your digital card!

Behavioral Marketing in a Digital World

Imagine a world where you could sell a product to a consumer who’s looking to buy exactly what you sell. If you feel like the struggle of satisfying qualified prospects and leads to become a customer for yours is becoming harder and harder, it may be time to face reality. It may be because the way you do business and marketing is no longer relevant. 

Veľké Košariská – popis lokality

Jazero Veľké Košariská leží pri Bratislave, približne 3 km od mestskej časti Podunajské Biskupice, v blízkosti obcí Rovinka a Dunajská Lužná. V lokalite, takmer na jednom mieste sa nachádzajú hneď tri jazerá, ktoré vznikli  ako zdroj ťažby štrku. Každé je z hľadiska potápania trochu odlišné, aj keď ich spoločnou črtou je štrkové dno a brehy.

Rivers VS Ocean Currents

What influences currents? Where do they come from? How do they affect our planning and execution? What hazards am I looking at and for? These are some of the questions I ask myself when I am trying to understand what we face in various places with different bodies of water.

PTSD and Public Safety Part 1

First responders – EMS, firefighters, police, and search-and-rescue teams (including divers) – are the public safety professionals who come running when there’s an emergency. Who helps them when they’re struggling?


80% of All Ice Rescues Begin with a Dog

Ice rescue doesn’t always mean a person has fallen through the ice – most of the time we see golden retrievers and black labs involved; these dogs love the water no matter what the season. Most dogs love chasing things; besides sleeping or eating, it’s their favorite pastime.

Keeping Your Hose in Line

When changing hose configurations, fine-tuning your existing setup, or assembling a brand new rig, there are several important things to take into consideration to ensure your assembly is tailored to you and your diving preferences.

If You Liked It, Then You Should Have Put a Ring on It

The common yoke tank valve o-ring may be the unsung hero of the diving equipment realm. This humble piece of equipment is often overlooked or ignored, but it can make or break your dive. An o-ring may be the difference between exploring a beautiful reef with your buddy and remaining in the confines of the dive boat.

Why Scuba Diving with a Buddy Is Necessary for Beginners

This system allows the divers to learn from each other, practice the concept of two being better than one, give assistance, and to share the experience. The most imperative reason for the buddy system is that a diver should never dive outside of their training.