“Achieving the ISO global certificate was very rewarding and reaffirmed that SDI’s standards and materials are up for the challenge,” stated Sean Harrison, Vice President of Training and Membership Services. He went on to say, “SDI has now secured the highest level of third party validation that any company can achieve and we would like to thank the auditors and all the staff of Austrian Standards for their hard work and assistance during this process.”
Contact SDI TDI and ERDI
If you would like more information, please contact:
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ImageShared.png6271200iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-25 23:51:452021-09-20 18:23:30SDI Achieves ISO Global Certification
A very brief, and admittedly unscientific, poll of a few PSD team leaders from the North East turned up an interesting conundrum: Using Nitrox as a breathing gas has several recognized benefits for working divers, but several PSD teams cannot use Nitrox because there is nobody on the team who can mix it.
Blending breathing gases is certainly not rocket science. With a little training, and by following a few simple procedural and equipment guidelines, almost anyone capable of lifting a compressed gas cylinder can blend correctly. The issue for many PSD teams, according to the head of a volunteer PSD team in rural New England, is not one of complexity, but liability. “We have SOPs [standard operating procedures] for everything we do in the station, including search and rescue operations, but we have nothing in place that would allow us to use anything but compressed air. Sure we’d like that to change, but how can we make that happen?”
The answer is simple: we can help!
When ERDI’s sister agency Technical Diving International™ (TDI) first started to promote the use of Nitrox to recreational divers in the early 1990s, it added three programs to its curriculum to teach blending and “shop” procedures so that Nitrox (and Trimix) might be readily available to the dive community at large.
For the record, those programs are: Nitrox Gas Blender; Advanced Gas Blender; and Oxygen Equipment Service Technician. Of particular interest to most Public Safety Dive teams are the Nitrox blender and O2 service tech. The combination of the classroom and practical sessions for these two courses (which can typically be completed in one or two days under the guidance of a qualified TDI instructor), delivers a good grounding in both actual gas blending, handling and administrative record-keeping, plus the preparation, cleaning and selection of equipment for use with Nitrox gases (see the listing of topics covered at the end of this article).
Public Safety Dive teams, by the nature of their mandate and the regulations under which they operate, have to follow set procedures. “Without exception,” says Brian Carney, president of ERDI, “Public Safety Dive Teams have to operate within acceptable industry norms, have to follow common best practices, and have to work their operations under the sanction of an insurance underwriter. Our blending and oxygen tech programs give them a proven and supported framework that’s acceptable on all those levels.”
While the benefits and related costs of using Nitrox in your PSD team are certainly issues that have to be considered before making a case to switch operations from straight air (see other articles in this issue of the ERDI eNewsletter), the bottom line is to provide that gas to your team members without putting them or your operations at risk. And the answer to that is the training and operational procedures provided by our blending and technician programs for close to 20 years.
The Responsibility of the Gas Blender
Gases of Diving
Oxygen Handling
Gas Production Equipment
Mixing Techniques and Mathematics
Oxygen (O2) Analysis
Cylinder Handling and Sign Out
The Responsibility of the Service Technician
Oxygen (O2) Handling and System Components
Equipment Servicing and Materials
Gas Production Equipment
A more detailed discussion of these topics can be found in a recent article from the SDI eNewsletter here>>>
Want to speak with one of our PSD Instructors and learn more about Nitrox for your team? Come visit us at one of our upcoming events:
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Blending-Nitrox-1.jpg233350iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-18 15:04:342012-06-18 15:04:34Blending Programs for Public Safety Dive Teams
Nitrox has been a key component to many technical divers’ scuba routine for over 2 decades now and, once most of the “voodoo gas” myths were dispelled, nitrox has been more than favorably received by the sport diving community as well. However, it is still not commonly used among the many different public safety diving teams out there. The costs of nitrox used by departments and teams can certainly vary based on the equipment that is required to suit the demands of the teams.
There are several different ways in which nitrox can be “created” but the three most popular are: with a nitrox membrane system on a compressor, using a continuous blending system or through partial pressure gas blending. The costs associated with these methods can vary greatly depending on the final goals, as well as on the current equipment at hand. Public safety teams can also keep their tanks filled with air or nitrox by using the services of their local SDI-TDI-ERDi dive facility.
If the dive team already has a compressor to fill tanks, you may want to explore the option of purchasing a compatible nitrox membrane system or the continuous blending system. Many departments may find that purchasing this “add on” to their current compressor can run up costs anywhere from $7,000.00 to $25,000.00 depending on the system. The membrane system works (in a very simplified explanation) by removing nitrogen from the air generated by the compressor, thus elevating the amounts of oxygen – in most situations up to 40%. A strong benefit is that it is rather simple to use and provides quick results as well. Still, there may be some low additional maintenance costs to consider.
Partial pressure blending is a far “cheaper” way to make nitrox, but it can be more time consuming based on the amount of tanks that require filling. There must also be a staff member that has the proper gas blending training on hand in order to produce nitrox by blending. The biggest costs affiliated with partial pressure gas blending are the oxygen tanks, which store the O2 used to blend with regular air to reach the required mix. Medical or aviation oxygen (recommended) may vary greatly in costs based on location. 49.9 cubic ft oxygen cylinders, or a “K cylinder”, may range in costs anywhere between $250.00 through $350.00. The expense to fill these tanks may also vary greatly, based on the remoteness of the location and accessibility of O2 in the general area. Refills can run, on average, anywhere from $20.00 to $60.00 each.
The continuous blending system is a perfect fit for departments that have their own compressor and easy access to oxygen cylinders. This system works by putting a ‘nitrox stick’ in-line with the intake of the compressor and attaching the oxygen cylinder to the nitrox stick. The oxygen blends with the ambient air prior to entering the compressor. There is an oxygen analyzer at the end of the stick which indicates the mix of oxygen that will come out of the other side of the compressor to storage cylinders or be pumped directly into the dive cylinders. Some distinct advantages of this system are:if you have a compressor, there is a low initial cost, it’s easy set up and it uses all the oxygen that is in the oxygen storage cylinders.
The most cost effective way for smaller public safety teams to get their nitrox is from their local scuba dive center. Most dive centers generate their own via a membrane system or blending and offer tank refills to their customers. A single refill for a nitrox tank can range between $7.00 and $18.00…again, depending on the costs that the dive center has to incur in order to prepare a tank for their customers…location usually has a big affect on this.
Costs for the use of nitrox are also associated with dive gear, be it a recreational scuba diver or a public safety dive team. A big concern about the use of nitrox is the cost of purchasing new equipment that needs to be O2 “friendly.” In truth, most regulators out on the market are currently compatible to be used with nitrox mixes up to 40%. If dive teams are planning on using mixes of nitrox of 40% or greater, they will want to check with the manufacturer in order to verify compatibility with the mixes they are planning to use. The good news? You may already have the gear you need if you are just going to be using the standard 32% or 36% mixes for your missions.
With heavy budgets and proper appropriation of grants, it is important for public safety dive teams that want to incorporate the use of nitrox into their dives – training and/or operational – to understand the cost benefits and what suits their team best.
How many members are on the team?
Will the team be using nitrox on every dive or just a select few?
And of course the biggest question: what’s in the budget?
As stated, most dive teams simply use their local dive center to have their tanks refilled, but bigger teams that need to work beyond the scope of regular store hours find it more practical to generate their own refills. Go to your local SDI-TDI dive center and find out what they have for your team and how they can help you reach the goals of starting a scuba dive team that practices the use of nitrox when getting the job done.
Want to speak with one of our PSD Instructors and learn more about Nitrox for your team? Come visit us at one of our upcoming events:
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Cost-Nitrox-1.jpg441300iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-18 14:44:352012-06-18 14:44:35Costs of Using Nitrox for Public Safety Dive Teams
The benefits of diving with nitrox have long been known, but have they been applied to public safety diving (PSD)? We don’t think they have. A quick look at some of the benefits:
Reduced nitrogen uptake
Increased safety margins (when dove on air profiles)
Increased bottom times
Still, when considering diving with nitrox, it is important to look at some of the factors that predispose divers to decompression sickness (DCS): age, health, workload, etc. From this one could quickly draw the conclusion that Public Safety divers should be using nitrox.
There is no denying that PS divers face some of the most strenuous dives, far more physical than most sport divers. Public Safety divers are both physically and mentally stressed and are focused solely on the mission at hand. Their dive is quite the opposite from a recreational scuba diver in that they cannot surface when it’s not fun anymore. Before this starts sounding too fluffy, let’s look at some of the Pros and Cons.
Some downsides (not really) of Public Safety Divers utilizing nitrox as their breathing gas for recovery diving are:
Additional training
Additional cost
Additional equipment
Added logistics to dive planning
Just like any other discussion about PS diving, they all revolve around costs and budgets, so it’s easy to see why someone would not want nitrox for fear it would increase their budget. The reality is it would not add that much to the budget. Nitrox training is minimal and producing nitrox can be accomplished using an O2 cylinder and a compressor (training would be required for the mixing of nitrox). Furthermore, the equipment you are currently using does not need to be changed. As for the logistics of dive planning, again this does not present a problem. As a matter of fact, it may even make it easier, given the safety margins using nitrox builds in. Most PS divers don’t operate below 30 M / 100 feet and a 32% fill is ideal for this depth range. For those that do, you are already beyond considering nitrox as a breathing gas and know the benefits.
Now the upside, and yes it far outweighs the downsides:
Increased safety
Safety – do there need to be any other points? The end goal for all scuba diving activities is the safety of the diver(s) and anything that can be done to achieve that goal should not be overlooked. Every year we get a little older and a bit more out-of-shape; that’s just life, there’s no avoiding it or putting it on hold. Nitrox helps with unavoidable factors and to reduce the risks of DCS associated with those factors.
So unless you or your team has discovered the fountain of youth and each of you have the perfect BMI, you need to take every precaution you can to increase a positive outcome for your in-service and training dives. Nitrox is another tool to be considered and used, just like full-face masks, drysuits and communication systems.
Want to speak with one of our PSD Instructors and learn more about nitrox for your team? Come visit us at one of our upcoming events:
The benefits of diving nitrox have long been know, which is why today it is the breathing gas of choice for most divers. During all nitrox courses one of the biggest topics is elevated PO2 and why not to exceed the single and 24 hour exposure limits. When discussing PO2 limits for divers, it is common knowledge that a 1.6 is the maximum and divers should reduce the PO2 based on environmental conditions, repetitive dives, workload of dive and decompression obligations. But what is not commonly discussed is what to do in the unfortunate situation of a diving incident when a diver has been using nitrox.
Diving incidents are something that no one wants to deal with but, just like anything else, the more you do it the more likely you are to be involved in an incident. When incidents happen, there is a lot to think of and to deal with when it comes to divers using nitrox. There is an added piece of information that is needed: their PO2 exposure. For the sake of ease we will break this down into two types of diving:
Multiple days of single tank nitrox diving or the use of semi-closed circuit rebreathers (SCR)
Technical diving involving decompression or the use of closed circuit rebreathers (CCR).
Before we get into that, a reminder of the two types of oxygen toxicity is important. The type that affects recreational (sport and technical) divers the most is Central Nervous System (CNS) Oxygen Toxicity. This is generally caused by a high dose (high PO2) with short term exposure. The second type, which is general only seen in commercial diving or medical treatment, is Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity; this is low dose (low PO2), long term exposure.
For divers doing multiple days of single tank nitrox diving or using an SCR, they generally do not come close to the single exposure limits, mostly because of air consumption rates, but they can be right on the edge of the 24 hour limits. It can be very difficult to ascertain exactly what their long term exposure has been unless they have programmed all mixes into their dive computer, or have logged all their dives, including the mixes they used, in their log books.
For divers conducting decompression or CCR dives, the tracking of dives becomes a little easier because it is either one or two dives per day or, in the case of a CCR, they operate on a fixed PO2. In both situations, the information is usually right at hand, as either the cylinders are labeled, th decompression schedule has been written down as a back-up, a multi gas computer has been used or the CCR’s built in dive computer has stored all the information (if using a eCCR).
No accident is exempt from the confusion that surrounds it but it is very important to collect the information regarding PO2 exposure and send it along with the diver if their treatment is going to involve a recompression chamber, which most diving incidents do. Medical treatments generally start with a PO2 of 2.8 and go up from there, so it is easy to see why hyperbaric doctors would want to know the oxygen levels in a diver prior to starting a treatment. Prior oxygen exposures aside, chamber operators will run whatever the appropriate schedule is, it is just best to provide as much information as possible to them. The best way to handle this is: send the diver’s computer along with them, send their logbook or send their decompression schedules, but – if time permits – get copies of all of this information. When items start changing hands, they have a tendency to get lost and as any diver knows, you need a backup plan. At minimum, the diver’s dive computer should be downloaded and their dive profiles can be quickly hand written or scanned.
The best time management technique to accomplish all necessary tasks is to assign a person for each task and collect all the information as soon as time permits. Fingers crossed you will never have to deal with a diving incident, but if you do find yourself in such a situation, be prepared and everything will go as smooth as possible.
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/nitrox-diver-1.jpg217150iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-12 16:04:352012-06-12 16:04:35Treating a Nitrox Diver in an Unfortunate Incident
Let’s review the methods used to plan a nitrox dive by focusing on table-based nitrox planning, related to nitrogen considerations.
Nitrogen Limits and EAD
Nitrogen exposures are omnipresent in diving, and must be carefully monitored for every dive. These exposures are related to the risk of DCS. In order to properly manage this risk, appropriate exposure limits have been identified for air when used as the diver’s breathing mix. Nitrogen Limits »
Using EAD with Air Dive Tables
In nitrox dive planning, the EAD information (once determined) is simply applied to a standard set of air dive tables; the tables plot the dose of nitrogen experienced by the diver, based upon depth and time. In practice, a diver certainly may use any air dive tables with which he is comfortable. The TDI version of the US Navy dive tables again are used here for demonstration, with the same tables depicting both Metric and Imperial values. EAD and Air Dive Tables »
Dive Planning with EANx, EAD and NOAA Nitrox Tables
Divers may use the same graphic representation of the dive profile, now adding the nitrox mix and appropriate EAD information, to assist in the planning.
NOAA (US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) has long relied upon the US Navy dive tables for standard use by NOAA divers. In developing their nitrox program, NOAA adopted the use of EAD tables for the planning of nitrox dives. EANx, EAD and NOAA Nitrox Tables »
In addition to Central Nervous System (CNS) toxicity, technical divers must also be aware of pulmonary, sometimes called whole body, oxygen toxicity. Pulmonary toxicity is only of concern for very long exposures to oxygen (at least several hours). Most tech courses teach that if you look after the CNS toxicity, then pulmonary is not going to be a problem.
Pulmonary toxicity is tracked using Oxygen Toxicity Units, known as OTUs for short. One OTU is earned by breathing 100% oxygen at one bar for one minute. The most conservative limit sets a maximum of 300 OTUs per day for multi day diving trips. Thirty minutes on oxygen at 6m would give 48 OTUs, well short of the 300 OTU limit, whereas it would give a CNS percentage of 67% which is approaching the limit of 80% of total CNS exposure recommended for technical divers.
As we can see from the example above, the advice that if you look after the CNS, then the pulmonary toxicity will look after itself seems sound. It is really only with very long decompression dives or long cave dives that there is any risk of pulmonary toxicity. The other time that it can be a problem is during multi day, repetitive rebreather dives. Although open circuit divers will use a partial pressure of 1.4 on the bottom and up to 1.6 during deco, they are not exposed to this maximum partial pressure for very long.
The 1.4 on the bottom only occurs at maximum depth, and even if the diver switches onto a deco gas at 1.6, as soon as they begin to ascend this partial pressure starts to drop. On the other hand, a rebreather diver will run their unit at a lower partial pressure, typically 1.3. However, they will be experiencing this partial pressure for the whole duration of the dive. At every point the rebreather, or the diver in the case of a manual CCR, will be maintaining a partial pressure of 1.3. During the whole of the bottom phase of the dive, during the ascent and during every decompression stop, the diver will be at a partial pressure of oxygen of 1.3 bar. As a result, their total exposure might be considerably higher than an open circuit diver.
Combined with easier gas logistics, lower gas costs, reduced decompression obligation and warmer breathing gas, the rebreather diver is also likely to do more diving than an open circuit diver on a similar expedition. As a result, rebreather divers can often rack up significant pulmonary oxygen toxicity levels. Three hours diving a day on a set point of 1.3 will result in 234 OTUs, which is approaching the recommended limit of 300 per day.
In a number of cases, rebreather divers carrying out multi day, repetitive diving expeditions will complain of chest irritation similar to a chest infection after very long dives or after several days of carrying out long dives. This is with no symptoms of CNS toxicity. Still,iIt is certainly an area rebreather divers in particular need to pay close attention too.
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/pulmonary-1.jpg263350iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-11 21:00:382021-06-14 13:03:00Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity with Technical Divers
Divers may use the same graphic representation of the dive profile, now adding the nitrox mix and appropriate EAD information, to assist in the planning process.
Using EAN36 at a depth of 15 m / 50 ft, with a bottom time of 60 minutes, the diver will surface in pressure group G; after a one hour surface interval, the diver would have a new pressure group of F. For a subsequent dive with EAN36 to a depth of 12 m / 40 ft, with a bottom time of 60 minutes, combined with a residual nitrogen time of 88 minutes, the diver will surface in pressure group I.
Alternate NOAA Nitrox Dive Tables
NOAA (US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) has long relied upon the US Navy dive tables for standard use by NOAA divers. In developing their nitrox program, NOAA adopted the use of EAD tables for the planning of nitrox dives.
NOAA quickly focused upon two particular nitrox mixes, EAN32 and EAN36, also known respectively as NOAA Nitrox I and NOAA Nitrox II. These mixes were deemed to be well suited for the particular requirements of NOAA scientific divers. NOAA also developed their own dive tables for these two mixes; in doing so, they simply started with the US Navy dive tables, and then applied the EAD values to the various listed depths.
In theory, these NOAA tables eliminate one step in the dive planning process, but only when using either of these two mixes. In practice, some sport divers like to have them, while others might have no interest in them at all.
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/mne1-207x300-1.jpg300207iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-11 20:51:562021-09-16 16:16:04Nitrogen Exposure Limits and Equivalent Air Depth (EAD)
EAD Tables
To avoid the mathematical calculations, divers often rely upon published EAD tables; a very useful version of EAD tables is incorporated into the TDI-SDI combined nitrox tables, in both Metric and Imperial versions (depicted below).
To determine an EAD with these tables, simply look across the top row to find the nitrox mix (based upon the fraction of oxygen, expressed as a percentage), then proceed down that column under the mix to find the actual or next greater depth (appearing in bold type, in that column), and finally read across that row to the far left to identify the equivalent air depth.
Example (Metric): When a diver is using EAN36 at an actual depth of 15 m, the EAD is 12 m.
Example (Imperial): When a diver is using EAN36 at an actual depth of 50 ft, the EAD is 40 ft.
Using the EAD with Air Dive Tables
In nitrox dive planning, the EAD information (once determined) is simply applied to a standard set of air dive tables; the tables plot the dose of nitrogen experienced by the diver, based upon depth and time. In practice, a diver certainly may use any air dive tables with which he is comfortable. The TDI version of the US Navy dive tables again are used here for demonstration, with the same tables depicting both Metric and Imperial values (depicted below). When using nitrox, the no-decompression limit is calculated as usual on the air dive tables, simply with the EAD used in place of the actual depth.
When using EAN36 at 15 m / 50 ft, the EAD is 12 m / 40 ft, and thus the applicable no decompression limit is now 200 minutes. The ending pressure group, for any dive, is also calculated in the usual manner, again with the EAD used in place of the actual depth.
After completing a dive with EAN36 for 60 minutes at an EAD of 12 m / 40 ft, a diver will surface in pressure group G. Surface interval credit is calculated in the normal fashion (after all, regardless of the mix that a diver may use at depth, he will still be breathing air back on the surface during the surface interval).
Surfacing in pressure group G, followed by a two hour surface interval, the diver will then be in pressure group D. In planning for a repetitive dive, the diver may use the same or a different nitrox mix; in either case, the EAD is again used to determine the residual nitrogen time.
IMPORTANT: In calculating residual nitrogen time, the diver should base these calculations on the nitrox mix that will be used on the repetitive dive.
After completing his surface interval, a diver in pressure group D, planning another dive with EAN40 to an EAD of 9 m / 30 ft, will have a residual nitrogen time of 54 minutes. The residual nitrogen time is then added to the actual time at the EAD, to determine the ending pressure group.
A diver in pressure group D, completing a dive to an EAD of 9 m / 30 ft for 60 minutes, will have a total bottom time of 114 minutes (60 actual plus 54 residual), and will surface in pressure group G.
https://www.tdisdi.dev/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/mne21-1.png308400iwerkdev/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/logo-1.pngiwerkdev2012-06-11 20:45:182021-09-16 15:46:31Using EAD with Air Dive Tables